Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lydia pt. II

Do you remember the story of Lydia from the previous post? If not, go read Acts 16: 6-15 (I added some verses for this post.) 

So before the three amigos met with Lydia, they were going to head into Asia to speak God's word. Well God had different plans and sent them toward Macedonia. As a little recap, right after the three follow the call, they head to Macedonia, where they meet Lydia, Lydia is converted and the story continues. I think it is fascinating to think about the way God works in both the micro and macro parts of His creations. 

In the micro aspect of Lydia's life, you have this woman who sells purple goods and believes in God. To fit God's perfect timing, He brings into her life Timothy, Paul, and Silas, who are falling their own call by God to spread His truth. With this encounter, a heart is opened and converted and a new daughter is born. The two parties go on their separate ways. 

In the macro aspect of the way God works, Beth Moore says that the gospel was brought to Europe through this encounter. God, through his brilliant weaving of lives, crosses two paths only to accomplish something that will bring Him further glory. 

I have seen in my own life as well. I have watched God bring a wife to place where she was able to get plugged in to a church. In the large scheme, her husband is slowly coming to Christ, and both of them are hungry for the Lord! How amazing is the way our God works! 

The picture below illustrates what I think of when I picture God working. Each strand is it's own color and has it's own character. However, the Lord weaves them together according to His will. It just so happens that the picture I found online is a chain, but you get the picture (no pun intended)! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lydia pt. I

I am working through a devotional by Beth Moore, about Paul. It's 90 days looking at his life. I was struck by this story the other day because for one, I do not remember this story, and two, two things stuck out to me that I wish to share. First, go read Acts 16: 11-15. See you soon.

Ok, so here is the first thing that came to me. It says in verse 24 that Lydia "worshipped the Lord." In the next verse it says that the Lord "opened her eyes to see what Paul had to say." Now Lydia was a pagan who had been converted to Judaism. She believed in God, but did fully accept Christ as her savior. Sticking with the laws of Judaism, she believed that through works and practices salvation could be obtained. Enter Paul, Timothy, and Silas.

On their journey to Macedonia, the trio met Lydia and "the Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul" (v. 14b). I feel that because the three men we preaching sound doctrine, the Lord wanted  Lydia to hear the truth, that salvation comes through Christ alone. Part of this could be the fact that as a businesswoman Lydia held a prominent role in her community and therefore could be used by the Lord to share the truth with others.

To think about this in modern terms. For us who are firm believers, we are going to meet people in our walks who are like Lydia. People who believe in God, yet feel that by going to church, or doing good deeds etc. will bring them salvation. Out of love, we need to show them the truth. We need to get them to believe and understand that Christ is the only way salvation can come. Remember the end of John 3:16 "Whoever believes in in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

For all, I think it is important to examine our beliefs. Is there some part of our life we believe will win us favor in the Lord's eyes? Do we feel that certain practices will bring us salvation? Sure, we may be faithful church goers doing all that is preached, but are we doing it because of a false belief that it is under those circumstances we will be saved? We must acknowledge that Christ bore our sins, dying for us, so that we may be saved. Praise God for sending us His only son!