Alcohol and drug addiction
Loss of support (both parents passing away)
As I sat and listened to their stories, I felt my heart break and naturally tears flooded my seating area, not because of sole pity for the boys, because of overwhelming love for my Savior. To see these young men stand up and boldly profess how the Lord has blessed them and brought them out of darkness just made me want to praise the Lord so much!
Coming home that Saturday and the week that proceeded, proved to be more difficult than I was anticipating. The mission trip left me unsettled, I felt a deep desire to be back at the village, helping those boys. It was more or less a "spiritual high." I realize now, that it was partly due to it being my first extended mission trip. However, it was also because I had begun to feel a calling in my life. Working as a substitute teacher, I realize how much of me gravitates towards wanting to help the boys in the school that I am at. Even before Promise Village, I found myself wanting to learn more about how to handle behaviors and just the mindset of an elementary school boy. Pair this with knowledge of tragic home lives and I have myself a dilemma:
Should I stop substitute teaching and look for an opportunity to serve at a place like Promise Village?
DING! Let the wrestling match commence. This was three weeks ago almost, and currently I am still fighting off headlocks, but I have to say I am able to discern more of the Lord's calling for me. My biggest struggle has been that I feel like I should be at a place like PV where I can verbally talk about Christ to people, specifically boys. I want to invest my life in raising up Godly men. That's why I have been struggling with leaving substitute teaching is because in public school, I cannot verbally preach Christ. However, thanks to my mentor Stephen, and the worldliness book I have come to terms with things.
Two quotes from Worldliness, which directed my thoughts more towards God:
Two quotes from Worldliness, which directed my thoughts more towards God:
"Far from being a necessary evil, work -- which preceeded the fall (Gen 2:15)-- is part
of God's good creation, a noble calling that reflects the dignity of bearing
the image of the Creator." (pg. 157)
"So don't just "go to work" and "do your job" -- see your job as a way to imitate God,
serve God, and love others." (pg. 158)
--Jeff Purswell "How to Love the World"
"Worldliness" edited by, C.J. Mahaney
Essentially, I thought that I could only truly be serving Christ, if I was in a place where his name was being said from my mouth. My pastor and mentor Stephen, challenged me with the thought that I am clearly serving Christ by being in the school and modeling a Godly man. Whomever I interact with may not know it now, but will come to realize that there is something that sets me apart from other teachers, and other men, and that something is Christ! I am still serving Christ by being a vessel for Him to work through in the school he has placed me in. All glory to Him!
So, I challenge you to look at your own occupation. Are there opportunities to serve? Are you set apart in your workplace? Is God being glorified? Since everything is created by God, He can use all things, including our workplace for His glory!
This is very good. Your mentor has shared an important truth with you! I teach in public school & definitely know it is my calling at this time...also knowing I can point my students to God in many ways. Also, in my first years of teaching, I taught in a private Christian school. This also had its place in that time. God called me there & He released me from it before sending me on. Truly, there is a time for everything.
ReplyDeleteYour struggle sounds similar to mine when I was younger, although I still have such 'wrestling matches', they do change. Mostly I was just impatient to be doing the next 'right' thing. Now I see I needed to simply embrace those moments as they came & know that each of them has its place in importance for the total calling that is my life! You can know this for sure, wherever you are is exactly where you are meant to be for that moment, and is preparation for the next place God will send you. As long as your heart desires to hear the Father through the Holy Spirit, you will know what to do just in the right time. Count on it. God bless you! Nothing can thwart the plans of God. (Fortunately, not even our own good intentions!) Remember He is a sovereign God. :)
J. Steele