Monday, August 22, 2011


I came across this song by Shawn McDonald the other day. In listening to it I notice how the artist sings about being captivated by all God has created. He is able to really perceive bits of the nature of God in nature itself.  It makes me think of how on my way to work I am often able to catch a glimpse of the glory of God. Right at the stoplight by my apartment I come face to face with the horizon, on top of a mountain ridge, just passed an airfield. Depending on the weather, I am blessed to see a beautiful sunrise of various shades of reds and blues painting an assortment of cloud formations. It is absolutely stunning and reminds me daily that my Lord is always with me. Naturally, I love the opportunity to sing to my Lord; to glorify His name more. 

When I look into the mountains
I see Your fame
When I look into the night's sky
It sparkles Your name

The wind and the clouds and the blue in the sky
The sun and the moon and the stars so high
That's what draws me to You

I am, I'm captivated by You
In all that You do
I am, I'm captivated

When I wake unto the morning
It gives me Your sight
When I look across the ocean
It echoes Your might

The sand on the shore and the waves in the sea
The air in my lungs and the way You made me
That's what draws me to You

I am, I'm captivated by You
In all that You do
I am, I'm captivated

'Cause I am, I'm captivated by You
In all that You do
I am, I'm captivated

The wind and the clouds and the blue in the sky
The sun and the moon and the stars so high
The sand on the shore and the waves in the sea
The air in my lungs and the way You made me

The blood in my veins and my heart You invade
The plants how they grow and the tree and their shade
The way that I feel and love in my soul
I thank you my God for letting me, letting me know

I am, I'm captivated by You
In all that You do
I am, I'm captivated

'Cause I am, I'm captivated by You
In all that You do
I am, I'm captivated

Friday, August 12, 2011

Band Camp Haze

Ahh band camp, the music teacher's official sign that summer is coming to an end and, in this story, an opportunity for the Lord to teach me. The lesson centers on Colossians 3: 1-17 and I could write it all here for you to read, but how about you go read it! =)

... moments later ...

On the last day of July, I had decided to write some prayer cards for these verses. I am embarking on a praying through scripture journey, and felt led to write down these verses. For me, it served as a good reminder to seek the Lord's strength as we put to death my old self and clothe myself in the new self which is Christ. It also turned out to be the little dagger that I kept with me as I went to go teach.

I knew that I was going to a camp where frustrations would rise. Partially due to disagreements I had, and also because of observations on a few things. So my biggest fear was jeopardizing my walk with Christ. I did not want to say anything that would be slanderous or obscene. I wanted my lips and speech to be pleasing to the Lord. Regardless of the situation I wanted to "seek the things that are above" clothing myself with "humility, meekness, and a compassionate heart." It proved to be a challenge. As with many settings, I found myself surrounded by conversations that my old self would have loved to be a part of. Wether it was a joke here, or gossip there, I found myself on constant alert for what could be deemed impure as opposed to that which glorified Christ. In other moments, I had to stand strong and resist the urge to speak poorly about any person. I had to be quick to say that I was not going to say anything so that the targeted individual was not hurt.

As I reflect, I see moments where there was triumph, but also failure. Even though I remained silent during some conversations, I think the better choice would have been to just leave the room. Also, it's a constant struggle with me in truly defining the line between what glorifies Christ and what does not when it comes to a social setting.

As Christians, we are called to higher standards. I want to wear Christ as my new self instead of the rotting old self that does not please Christ at all. I have to be on guard that while Christ becomes a permanent fixture in my life, I do not wear him falsely. I must portray Christ so much more honorably in all situations.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Gather round the campfire

* This post is old, but because of the spiritual dryness in my life the past few weeks or so, I have just had no inclination to finish it. It comes from a weekend to the southern part of the state for a wedding. It was a wonderful weekend for 4 reasons:

             1) Two wonderful christians came together in the holiness of marriage. The man is a godly man and will lead a wonderfully godly woman. I am very happy for them.

             2) I attended a fantastic Gospel centered church.

             3) I was able to witness a truly Christ centered family where all four members, humbly loved the Lord.

             4) Probably the best one, and the topic for this post was that after the wedding I got to a see  a wonderful example of a community of believers.

A big group of us went over to a friend's house after the wedding. He has a pool, and his wonderful parents opened up their home to allow us to come over and have a pool party of sorts at their place. It started out like most do. Everyone stood around and chatted about general topics, whether it was catching up on how summer was going, getting to finally meet someone after a year of hearing stories, or about the wedding, which we all had come from. All three are your basic ice breakers. Then someone finally made the move to go to the pool and a posse followed. Another person made a break for the food and others followed that way. What was left was the group who simply wanted their conversations to go deeper, so they found their spot in the circle of lawn chairs.

So here you have it: Some were in the pool, some were eating, some were simply talking. There were games of horse, cornhole, and ninja being played and engulfing all of us was a Lecrae CD over the stereo. It sounds like a typical summer pool party and could almost be a little movie-esque. The uniqueness came from where everyone, and I truthfully mean everyone, gravitated towards.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "
                                                                                                                              -- Matthew 6: 19-21

"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."
                                                                                                                                  -- Proverbs 4: 23

It all culminated when a campfire was started. By the time evening had set in and the stars had been revealed we had all moved to the campfire where what awaited us was an impromptu worship gathering. We had a djembe and two guitars and between some hymnals and some smartphones we were able to sing praise songs to the Lord.  I think it truly reflected our hearts when we all found our way to the Lord. Even amongst the conversations earlier in the day, one could tell that at the center of everything was Christ. It might have been glorifying Him for what He has done. It might have been as a result of a recently watched sermon. Whatever the case may be, as a community of believers our hearts went to the Lord. I could not have been more blessed to have been a part of a such a wonderful weekend! 

Bulleted Thoughts

So here is what has been captivating my mind in recent weeks. I don't have profound insight into them, I just need to express them. 

             I am not sure how to express this first thought. It might be selfishness, could be related to busyness, might be poor prioritizing, I am not sure. Whatever it may be, I feel that it is correlated between a few ideas. I have been feeling some convictions recently that I haven't allowed myself to be available to people; whether it has been helping someone move, visit a person who has moved away, or even just to do something for someone. This past month especially I feel that I have become self-centered. Instead of allowing myself to be available others, I have been far too concerned with what I need to do... Please pray for me as this becomes a continued journey with Christ. I am sure He will reveal more to me as I continue to seek Him and dwell in Him. 

           As is customary with post-college life, friends get jobs and move away. Typically the emotional response with this sort of change is sadness. However, I have felt myself overcome with feelings of excitement for each person. I know that God is at work in each of their lives, which denotes the move, and therefore I am content in Christ. As Paul wrote "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." Philippians 4:11. Now while Paul is speaking of his own personal missionary work, I feel the truth applies here. I could be very possessive and be overwhelmed with sadness because they are not going to be close to ME anymore. However, specifically, in the case with brothers and sisters moving away, they have grown to be disciples and are being called by the Lord to new places. I should feel encouraged for them that they are apart of the Lord' "great commission." they are being sent into the world to advance the gospel! 

           I was thinking the other day about the story of the Ichthus, (the little fish that is often a symbol of Christianity) and how during the first century, it was used as a way to denote believers without fear of being persecuted. Since persecutions were high at this point in time, in order for Christians to recognize one another, they would draw the fish. First of all, this has caused me to glorify God that I am able to live in a country where I can freely practice my faith. Secondly, I need to be more open and verbal about my faith. Wherever I go, I need to be sure Christ is what is shines. 

           "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 
                                                                                                                                 -- Matthew 6: 19-21
I had a test on these verses the other day. I was at a stoplight and had reached around to grab a energy bar when sure enough my car went forward and I rear ended the woman in front. It just so happened that she was test driving a used car from a dealership (what are the odds???). She was not injured and she was pleasant about the whole situation. I was not injured, nor was I bothered by the situation. Glory be to God, because my heart was not in having a pristine looking car. My heart was in the Lord, giving praise that I am even able to drive in the first place. 

Grace and peace to you all.