* This post is old, but because of the spiritual dryness in my life the past few weeks or so, I have just had no inclination to finish it. It comes from a weekend to the southern part of the state for a wedding. It was a wonderful weekend for 4 reasons:
1) Two wonderful christians came together in the holiness of marriage. The man is a godly man and will lead a wonderfully godly woman. I am very happy for them.
2) I attended a fantastic Gospel centered church.
3) I was able to witness a truly Christ centered family where all four members, humbly loved the Lord.
4) Probably the best one, and the topic for this post was that after the wedding I got to a see a wonderful example of a community of believers.
A big group of us went over to a friend's house after the wedding. He has a pool, and his wonderful parents opened up their home to allow us to come over and have a pool party of sorts at their place. It started out like most do. Everyone stood around and chatted about general topics, whether it was catching up on how summer was going, getting to finally meet someone after a year of hearing stories, or about the wedding, which we all had come from. All three are your basic ice breakers. Then someone finally made the move to go to the pool and a posse followed. Another person made a break for the food and others followed that way. What was left was the group who simply wanted their conversations to go deeper, so they found their spot in the circle of lawn chairs.
So here you have it: Some were in the pool, some were eating, some were simply talking. There were games of horse, cornhole, and ninja being played and engulfing all of us was a Lecrae CD over the stereo. It sounds like a typical summer pool party and could almost be a little movie-esque. The uniqueness came from where everyone, and I truthfully mean everyone, gravitated towards.
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "
-- Matthew 6: 19-21
"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."
-- Proverbs 4: 23
It all culminated when a campfire was started. By the time evening had set in and the stars had been revealed we had all moved to the campfire where what awaited us was an impromptu worship gathering. We had a djembe and two guitars and between some hymnals and some smartphones we were able to sing praise songs to the Lord. I think it truly reflected our hearts when we all found our way to the Lord. Even amongst the conversations earlier in the day, one could tell that at the center of everything was Christ. It might have been glorifying Him for what He has done. It might have been as a result of a recently watched sermon. Whatever the case may be, as a community of believers our hearts went to the Lord. I could not have been more blessed to have been a part of a such a wonderful weekend!
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