Friday, August 12, 2011

Band Camp Haze

Ahh band camp, the music teacher's official sign that summer is coming to an end and, in this story, an opportunity for the Lord to teach me. The lesson centers on Colossians 3: 1-17 and I could write it all here for you to read, but how about you go read it! =)

... moments later ...

On the last day of July, I had decided to write some prayer cards for these verses. I am embarking on a praying through scripture journey, and felt led to write down these verses. For me, it served as a good reminder to seek the Lord's strength as we put to death my old self and clothe myself in the new self which is Christ. It also turned out to be the little dagger that I kept with me as I went to go teach.

I knew that I was going to a camp where frustrations would rise. Partially due to disagreements I had, and also because of observations on a few things. So my biggest fear was jeopardizing my walk with Christ. I did not want to say anything that would be slanderous or obscene. I wanted my lips and speech to be pleasing to the Lord. Regardless of the situation I wanted to "seek the things that are above" clothing myself with "humility, meekness, and a compassionate heart." It proved to be a challenge. As with many settings, I found myself surrounded by conversations that my old self would have loved to be a part of. Wether it was a joke here, or gossip there, I found myself on constant alert for what could be deemed impure as opposed to that which glorified Christ. In other moments, I had to stand strong and resist the urge to speak poorly about any person. I had to be quick to say that I was not going to say anything so that the targeted individual was not hurt.

As I reflect, I see moments where there was triumph, but also failure. Even though I remained silent during some conversations, I think the better choice would have been to just leave the room. Also, it's a constant struggle with me in truly defining the line between what glorifies Christ and what does not when it comes to a social setting.

As Christians, we are called to higher standards. I want to wear Christ as my new self instead of the rotting old self that does not please Christ at all. I have to be on guard that while Christ becomes a permanent fixture in my life, I do not wear him falsely. I must portray Christ so much more honorably in all situations.

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