Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bulleted Thoughts

So here is what has been captivating my mind in recent weeks. I don't have profound insight into them, I just need to express them. 

             I am not sure how to express this first thought. It might be selfishness, could be related to busyness, might be poor prioritizing, I am not sure. Whatever it may be, I feel that it is correlated between a few ideas. I have been feeling some convictions recently that I haven't allowed myself to be available to people; whether it has been helping someone move, visit a person who has moved away, or even just to do something for someone. This past month especially I feel that I have become self-centered. Instead of allowing myself to be available others, I have been far too concerned with what I need to do... Please pray for me as this becomes a continued journey with Christ. I am sure He will reveal more to me as I continue to seek Him and dwell in Him. 

           As is customary with post-college life, friends get jobs and move away. Typically the emotional response with this sort of change is sadness. However, I have felt myself overcome with feelings of excitement for each person. I know that God is at work in each of their lives, which denotes the move, and therefore I am content in Christ. As Paul wrote "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." Philippians 4:11. Now while Paul is speaking of his own personal missionary work, I feel the truth applies here. I could be very possessive and be overwhelmed with sadness because they are not going to be close to ME anymore. However, specifically, in the case with brothers and sisters moving away, they have grown to be disciples and are being called by the Lord to new places. I should feel encouraged for them that they are apart of the Lord' "great commission." they are being sent into the world to advance the gospel! 

           I was thinking the other day about the story of the Ichthus, (the little fish that is often a symbol of Christianity) and how during the first century, it was used as a way to denote believers without fear of being persecuted. Since persecutions were high at this point in time, in order for Christians to recognize one another, they would draw the fish. First of all, this has caused me to glorify God that I am able to live in a country where I can freely practice my faith. Secondly, I need to be more open and verbal about my faith. Wherever I go, I need to be sure Christ is what is shines. 

           "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 
                                                                                                                                 -- Matthew 6: 19-21
I had a test on these verses the other day. I was at a stoplight and had reached around to grab a energy bar when sure enough my car went forward and I rear ended the woman in front. It just so happened that she was test driving a used car from a dealership (what are the odds???). She was not injured and she was pleasant about the whole situation. I was not injured, nor was I bothered by the situation. Glory be to God, because my heart was not in having a pristine looking car. My heart was in the Lord, giving praise that I am even able to drive in the first place. 

Grace and peace to you all. 

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